Frequently Asked Questions Article

The moment you realize you have a problem with your roof, you need to take immediate action, as this will prevent the issue from becoming any worse, which could save you a fortune in roof repair bills. Which is when having the number of J Broni Roofing Solutions handy will prove helpful. We offer high-quality services, and they are all listed within the following questions and answers article, so carry on reading to find out more to your advantage.

Why hire your company?

Our roofing service has been providing the residents of Queens, NY with precision workmanship at affordable prices since 2008. But we have 16 years of fieldwork under our belts and know everything there is to know about roofing. We make sure to use only the highest-quality tools, materials, and high-end equipment, and we have a reputation for being hard-working, and our attention to detail is well-known within the area already. We specialize in flat roof replacement; you can find out more in this article.

Does the company accept debit or credit cards?

No, our roof installation company takes either cash or check; choose one.

Does the company only offer its services to the residents of Queens, NY?

No, we offer services to the following areas:

  • Beechhurst NY;
  • Queens NY.
  • And the surrounding areas. Call today to see if we can cover your area.

Does the company only work with residential customers?

No, commercial roofing is also our specialty.

What services can the company offer me?

Please read the following list:

If you have more questions that we did not answer in this article and would like to discuss any of our services in further detail, call the number we have included in the conclusion of this article.

What are the opening hours of J Broni Roofing Solutions?

We are open 24/7. So no matter when the emergency occurs, you know there will always be someone to help at the other end of the phone.

Are appointments necessary?

Unless it is an emergency, then obviously, no, you will not require one. Other than that, making one is prudent as an assessment needs to be made of the roof.

Can I get a free estimate?

Of course. We provide free quotes so that you can compare to other like-minded services in the vicinity, and if you do speak to anyone wanting a fee, in material of how small, be wary, or, our advice, walk away.

Does the company have up-to-date client feedback about the services the company provided?

Yes, we have. You may have noticed a testimonials page on our menu bar; if you want further information on our services, click on this.

In summation of our questions and answers article, which we hope you enjoyed and found informative? If you have more confidence to proceed, and would like to make an appointment with our roofing contractor, do not hesitate to contact us today at this number (518) 205-3657 at any time to speak to one of our contractors.